Unit 2 - Theories of Evolution of Early Towns

A. Environmental/ Hydraulic Theory

  • This theory particularly deals with the concept of surplus.
  • The environmental bases includes three principal factors such as FERTILE SOIL, SUITABLE CLIMATE and WATER SUPPLY.
  • A surplus production support for non- agricultural production.
  • The existence of food surplus signifies a degree of human control over environment and allows an agricultural productivity above subsistence levels.
  • The surplus is essentially an excess product over the minimum, which is necessary to sustain life of people.
  • It means functioning of urbanism in general.
  • The first cities grew in the wake of the agricultural revolution of the Neolithic period which saw domestication of animals, development of cereal production and a growing sophistication in irrigation techniques.
  • The creation of surplus also necessarily established a pattern of complex bureaucratic controls which brought into being an administrative system of an urban character which supposed to control over collection and distribution of the surplus foods.
  • Hydraulic agriculture involves a specific type of division of labor such as intensification of cultivation and requirement of cooperation on a large scale.

B. Economic Factor Theory

  • The economic factor considers city as market place.
  • Two closely interrelated interpretation can be given for economic theories of urban origin i.e. MERCHANTILE which views the cities as the product of long distance trade, and second is MARKET which interprets the city as the center created by a region to focus its internal process of exchange.
  • The very first urban settlement originated on the plains of Tigris R. Euphrates valleys in Mesopotamia in between 4000 BC- 3000 BC.
  • Other river valleys of primary urbanization like: Nile valley, Indus valley, North China plain etc. are also originated as a product of economic factor. In these areas urbanization was generated through internal forces rather secondary diffusion from other places.
  • The largest cities grew up in a major trading routes of Europe.

C. Military/ Force/ Security Theory

  • This theory refers to defensive strong point one of the main reason of growth of early towns.
  • Most of the early towns were walled to keep out hostile neighbors.
  • Warfare may often have made a significant contribution to the intensification of urban development by inducing a concentration of settlement for purposes of defense and by stimulating craft specialization.
  • The origin of town focused on gather people together for the protection of communal defense.

D. Traditional / Religious Theory

  • This theory explains that the early towns grew up as ceremonial complexes consisting of temples, shrines, church, mosque, and palaces which provided as essential element of urban condition of folk, for attachment to a certain locality and difference to the rights of others and to change from nomadic culture to civilized urban culture that required social organization.
  • Religion became the highly effective force, which created new loyalties and provided a social solidarity superior to and mote lasting that based on natural kinship.

Historical Expose of Changing Relationship of Town and Country (Village) of the World

  • The change in rural urban relationship can chiefly be related to the evolution process of towns.
  • The first cities took place in the fertile soil of the principle river valleys.

Causes of evolution of early towns:

  • Surplus of food and rearing of animal husbandry. The cities were characterized by civilized and feudal society.
  • The coast traders were encouraged in ship buildings that made possible to travel far for economic ties.
  • Extensive irrigation system, large scale construction.
  • High yielding of wheat and barley.

i. Pre-Industrial Stage

  • During the pre-industrial stage, expansion and colonization were two principal activities that was associated with powerful empires.
  • Agricultural production increased, improved transport allowed food surplus to be assembled in towns, new institutions were found to deal with the storage ex-change and redistribution of food and other goods.
  • Increasing specialization of occupations took place in the towns and long distance trade expanded.

ii. Post-Industrial Stage

  • The industrial revolution (1750-1850) of western Europe has get vast improvements in technology and society in the fields of agricultural implements, farming technology, food preservation, transportation and communication.
  • It brought improved and effective system in water supply.
  • Major changes occurred between town and hinterland because cities started to be depended on village for raw materials.
  • The modern town no longer depend on investment in the country side for the continuation of its wealth.
  • Technological innovation in transportation and refrigeration has been allowed food to be brought to the industrial cities from half way across the world.
  • Maximum use of natural resources in process of urbanization brought natural resource exploitation which is considered to mark the colonial relationship as a whole.
  • The city helped to draw the surplus for the colonial territories without offering anything in return.
  • The idea of parasitism as a characteristic of the urban rural relationship in the developing world has been widespread, particularly in the context of the proponents of dependency theory.

Changes & Development in Rural- Urban Relation in Nepal

  • Nepal with an area of 147,181 km2, which consists of three regions viz. Mountain, Terai and Hilly region.

The Hilly Region

  • Throughout the history Kathmandu Valley acted as a key actor in economic development where all of the major economic activities took place, the outer hilly region had minor role in economic viewpoint.
  • The settlement in Kathmandu valley started as early as 600 B.C. later the settlement grew up particularly at the site of elevated plain above the flood level of the rivers during the Lichchhavi period (200-1200 AD).
  • During the Malla Period (1200- 1769 AD), most of the prominent settlements in the valley appear to have enlarged and consolidated into a compact form during 18th century. (Kathmandu, Vaktapur and Patan).
  • Beside Kathmandu valley the growth & development of early settlements in other hill areas started to the latter part of the 18th century.
  • Increase in trade between Nepal and India during 19th century facilitated the development of trading centers.
  • The existing small hill centers also entered into this international trade. As, the hill centers grew, they began to act as local market centers grew, they began to act as local market centers and to produce their own good through establishing small scale industries.

Outer Hilly Region/ Mountain Region

  • Early settlement in the outer hills dates back to later 18th century. There were political and administrative centers like Baise and Chaubise Rajyas.
  • The formation of small geographical and economic units exists at that time. The main reasons for that is defense, climate, lack of agricultural land malaria problem.
  • After unification, many changes were added in this region. The development of Himalaya Trade Routes to the valley i.e. long distance trade.
  • In 19th century, the communication system like ‘Hulak’ was introduced. The trade between Nepal and India was started during 19th century where the establishment of in-trade centers, local market centers etc.

The Terai Region

  • This region is most valuable region for its abundance plenty of cultivable lands.
  • The production of different crops appear to have been large enough not only to local needs but also to contribute export.
  • The evolution of early settlement can be related to two tenets: Agricultural development policies undertaken by the rulers in different historic periods and Extension of Indian railway networks.
  • The Rana rulers encourage for migration from hilly region into Terai region. Thus, during the 19th century although the trade flourished in the Terai centers had not inevitably led to their physical growth as towns, for the Terai remained inhospitable largely as stated earlier as a result of prevalence of Malaria, Cholera, Smallpox and other diseases.
  • After the resettlement plans, the settlement pattern in Terai increased in early 1960s and the Malaria eradication program also done in 1958.
  • Road construction helps in the link between other countries for trade as well as with in the country also.

Old questions for discussion

  • Analyze the Hydraulic factors responsible for the origin of towns and the concept of central place. 10 marks, 2069
  • Describe the historical perspective of changing relationship between towns and rural hinterlands in the context of Nepal. 15 marks, 2060
  • Economic factors of growth of early towns, 5 marks
  • What are the major factors of the evolution of early towns? Explain the hydraulic theory for the evolution of early towns and its importance in the present context. 10 marks
  • Describe different factors for the early town development. 10 marks 2069.